Occult, Magic Alchemy: Ancient and Modern 28,50 € by H. Stanley RedgroveA brief account of the alchemistic doctrines, and their relations to mysticism and to recent discoveries in physical science. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Aspects of Occultism 13,50 € by Dion Fortune.Subject: Occult – Esotericism.A simple guide for the new seeker into the mysteries of the Inner World. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Bygone Beliefs 23,50 € by H. Stanley Redgrove Alchemy, Magic, Pythagoreanism, Neo-Platonism. A serious scientific study on the mystical and occult paths of the human thought. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Daemonologie 17,50 € by James I, King of EnglandA famous classic treatise on witchcraft and demonology written in the 16th cent. by King James VI of Scotland & I of England. A panorama of the witch-haunted beliefs of the times. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Egyptian Magic 23,50 € by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge Subject: Egyptiology – Religion – Magic – Symbolism.One of the most comprehensive essays ever written on ancient Egyptian magic and rituals. A real rare classic, by the world famous Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. Αγορά
Occult, Magic A History of Secret Societies 25,50 € by Arkon DaraulA History of Secret Societies, Occult Groups, Orders and Brotherhoods. Their Beliefs, Codes and Rituals. With many illustrations of codes, ciphers and symbols. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Liber Pennae Praenumbra 8,50 € by Andahadna (Ordo Templi Orientis) Another little book for those who can understand beyond the symbols. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Satanism and Witchcraft 27,50 € by Jules Michelet Subject: Religion & Anthropology.A classic well-documented study on European Satanism and Witchcraft, written by a famous French historian and translated by A. R. Allinson. “The most important work on medieval superstitions yet written”, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Sexuality, Magic and Perversion 25,50 € by Francis King The classic history of the Left Hand Path in the West & its progress through the work of Aleister Crowley, the O.T.O., et al.Fully indexed. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Steps into the Unknown 28,50 € Compiled by George BalanosA collection of short essays on several borderline and paranormal phenomena and practices, as seen both from the occult and the scienti¬fic point of view. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The Βook of Pleasure 22,50 € by Austin Osman SpareOne of the “Forbidden Books”, a rare and unique text on the occult from the original private edition of 1909-1913, with all the original drawings by the author himself. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The H.P. Lovecraft Dream Book 14,50 € by H. P. LovecraftPersonal Correspondence on dream experiences. A book on strange and weird dreams of Other Realities, by H.P.L., the greatest dream-master of them all. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The Tree of Life 23,50 € by Israel Regardie The best, so far, comprehensive and lucid introduction into the theory and practices of magic and theurgy, particularly in the tradition of the Golden Dawn and the the Thelemic (sexual) Magick of Aleister Crowley. Written by a well-known Adept of that Order, who also served for years as Crowley’s personal secretary. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The Unknown Guest 22,50 € by Maurice Maeterlinck A study into the mysteries of the psychical phenomena (ESP, poltergeists, spiritualism, ghosts, psychometry, precognition, hypnosis and many others) by a Nobel prize winner and researcher. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The Key of Mysteries 23,50 € by Eliphas Levi A rare and unique translation from the French by Aleister Crowley, with many footnotes and comments by the notorious English magician who believed that he was a reincarnation of the author, the famous French magician Eliphas Levi. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Occult Principles οf Health and Healing 20,50 € by Max Heindel Subject: Occult – Health This compilation of material concerning the health and healing of the human organism as considered from the occult viewpoint affords those interested in attaining and maintaining health a treasure chest of valuable information. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Ancient αnd Modern Initiation 14,50 € by Max Heindel Subject: Occult – Rosicrusianism Within the pages of this little volume are to be found some of the most priceless gems belonging to the deepest phases of the Christian religion. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Mysteries of the Great Operas 14,50 € by Max Heindel>br> Subject: Occult – Music Faust, Parsifal, The Ring of the Niebelung, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin Αγορά
Occult, Magic Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing 14,50 € by Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld-Jones) A concise and easy to follow practical guide on crystal vision in the John Dee tradition. Good for a beginner, as well as any adept already versed in the Art. Written by “Frater Achad” (Charles Stansfeld-Jones), a well-known initiate of the Α.Α. and the O.T.O., and a personal pupil of Aleister Crowley. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Lives of the Necromancers 25,50 € Author: William GodwinAn account of the most eminent persons in successive ages, who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Witchcraft and Black Magic 28,50 € by the Rev. Montague SummersFascinating, documented account of certain aspects of witchcraft - including sorcery, black magic, necromancy, secret divination and Satanism. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King 28,50 € (Lemegeton vel Clavicula Solomonis Regis) One of the most hard to find Forbidden Books, the famous –or infamous– Lemegeton, translated, edited, verified, introduced and commented by Aleister Crowley, from the original translation by McGregor Mathers. This is large-sized spiral-bound, heavy red paper (180 gr.) edition, especially designed for practical... View
Occult, Magic Ten Thousand Dreams 23,50 € Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller A practical exposition and interpretation of thousands of dream symbols and images. Αγορά
Occult, Magic The Book of Ceremonial Magic 32,50 € by Arthur Edward Waite The original quaint texts and step-by-step ritual instructions from some of the most legendary, and almost completely inaccessible today old books of magic, such as: The Key of Solomon, the Grimorium Verum, the Grand Grimoire, the Fourth Book of Cornelius Agrippa, the Grimoire of Honorius, the Arbatel, the Theosophia Pneumatica, and... Αγορά